If we can find the accessory attached to the room, we immediately attempt to lower its brightness by 1. But if we cannot find it in the room, our accessory browser will find it in the HomeKit Accessory Simulator. The browser will then call the accessoryBrowser:didFindNewAccessory: method of its delegate (our view controller) and let us know that an accessory was found. Then we will check the name of the accessory to make sure that we found the projector because there may be other accessories that are being discovered, but we are interested only in the projector.
If you're the maker of a smart home gadget and you want customers to be able to control it with, say, an Alexa voice command, the path is pretty straightforward. Amazon offers open software tools to help developers make Alexa skills that can sync their devices with the platform. Some of those software tools, like Amazon's APIs for things like thermostats and smart locks, even offer uniform, device-specific protocols to ensure a smooth, consistent experience. It's like a public swimming pool -- anybody can jump in.
Anybody can now make HomeKit accessories
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